Char Siu Man

Lemon Ice Tea IPA

What’s the beer about?


Char Siu Man has a small stature but with a big heart, he was nurtured to help out those in need. He looks to balance two distinct challenges, those with a surplus, and those in need. What better way to negotiate such a delicate problem than to create a perfect marriage, and balance between the two.

Char Siu Man is a Lemon Ice Tea IPA, marrying that delicate seemingly opposing ingredients of a special blend of tea, and citrus-based hops. The result? Find out with a plate of Hong Kong’s favourite dish of Char Siu Rice.

Style: Lemon Ice Tea IPA

Ingredients: Water, Yeast, Hops, Malts, Tea Blend, and No Char Siu

abv: 6.2%

Which Charity does this beer donate to?


Feeding Hong Kong

One night in 2009, they witnessed a single pallet of fresh, perfectly edible bread headed to the bin. Instead of letting this good food go to waste, they rescued and donated it to a local crisis shelter. This evolved into a quest to find out what happened to other good food when it was no longer wanted.
There were signs of encouragement: individual bakeries sharing surplus, charities picking up leftovers from wet markets at closing time. But what was missing was something of scale – a link between companies with quality surplus, and charities with need. This is the gap Feeding Hong Kong fills.

The Mission

Simple: Reduce food waste and feed charities


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